L'Dor V'Dor. From generation to generation.
We celebrate our togetherness.
Here's some of the special moments for sharing with family and friends.
Like all families, things change with the passage of time. Our family blog helps us to share recent happenings and get-togethers while reflecting on days gone by.
Yes We Can! Long Island’s Founding Convention, Saturday, March 21, was a tremendous success. It drew 130 Long Islanders eager to grow the grassroots progressive movement in concert with President Obama’s agenda of hope and change.
We discussed five issues - healthcare, energy, the environment, diversity, and service to community – and developed a platform to advocate for. “America is the sum of our dreams … and what makes us one American family is that we stand up and fight for each other’s dreams,” our President, Marvin Kreutzberger said. “Everything we talked about is essential to our well-being, and to the survival of our children, particular their ability to remain on Long Island.”
At the conclusion, many members signed up for Organizing for America’s Pledge Project. A few went right out to the streets and were shown in a report on CNN.