Monday, January 16, 2006
Blog Challenged Me
It has only taken me a month to get here. First, my name was rejected, then cyberidiot
sent me to an old blog that Marvin had created and abandoned, then my name, no matter
which way I entered it, was rejected again. It's been a hejira, but here I am.
Love hearing from everyone. Many, most, or all of you receieved my email with all my
Florida info. Jerry and I arrived here on Tuesday, 1/10. We are in the same apartment
as last year. Dave was kind enough to pick us up at the airport, while Corinne waited for the arrival of our very packed car from home and prepared a delicious lunch for us all. They both look terrific. Actually, this year the car arrived on schedule and we are comfortably ensconced in our digs . We expected this part of Florida to look devasted from the hurricane, but while
there are signs of it having visited here, it looks pretty normal.
I wish I had more exciting news, like Tia. Life here is warmer (altho for the last 2 nites it
was in the 30s), very relaxing, that is if you don't read the papers, or listen to or watch the
news. But that's for another time. My email is the same as in NY,
Love to you all,
Nanny Phyllis
posted by Nanny Phyllis @ 12:10 PM 0 comments