Family & FriendsLesly called this afternoon and, in the course of conversation, suggestd a family blog might be a neat idea. So . . . anything for my niece. (Actually, I don't think she had a clue about this venture). I am a novice at it, too, so let's see what comes of this.
I have adjusted the settings so that there is no general Internet access. One needs to know the url for our family/friends blog. Save this as a favorite/bookmark to access our family blog readily on the Internet:
(No spaces; copy the url and paste it into your browser to access the blog)
I have emailed family members to inform them of the blog and list each of our email addresses--that I have. If you want to add/edit an address just blog it by 'commenting' (see below) or emailing it directly to me.
So, how does one add to the blog? Click on 'Blog This!' at the top of the page, write, and click.
Reply to any message by clicking on 'Comment' beneath each blog item. After scribing, click 'Publish' at the top of the blogging box. Keep in mind that everybody with access to this blog can read all entries. And don't make me admonish you for use of inappropriate language--including any negativity about my starting the blog. Also, let's agree to keep this very informal, so don't fret about grammar, spelling, etc.
Adding Photos:It is easy to add a photo to your published text. First you need to add an item--click on 'Blog This' at the top of the Friends and Family page.
When your item has been published,you click on the ‘Blogger’ icon at the top left of the blog page. That takes you to a list of items posted to the blog. Locate your piece (would be at the top of the list) and click “EDIT”)--your piece will appear in the composing/editing box. Unlike the composing screen there will be an icon of a photo (why couldn’t have been there in the first place?). Click on the icon and it will allow you to browse for your photo and add it to the text. Select whether you want it centered or offset. Then click Publish. When you return to the blog page, the picture will not yet be there. You need to reload the page and oilah!!
Remember, this is all Lesly's idea.